Technotes related to web development frameworks

List of technotes related to web technologies

taboca/nodejs-mongoose-app-connects-docker-mongo: Simple sample connecting to a Mongo db in a container from a NodeJS app in the host computer.

taboca/react-app-releasing-docker: Simple example covering what is a release of a Node-based React-based app in a Docker container

taboca/browser-adaptation-dynamic-theme: UX study — A Browser Plug-in Enabling Toolbar Color Adaptation based on Web Page Meta data or Color Capture (ambiance)

taboca/doc-js-babel-react-less: Technote - Manually setting up Webpack for a simple project using less

taboca/doc-js-basic-app-react-native-apk-download: Technote — Just a simple app and getting the signed APK download for an adb installation

taboca/cli-directory-tree-ascii: Evangelism Tool — A command-line tool to generate ascii art that describes the content of a given directory

taboca/working-example-react-native-ejected-jest-appium-e2e: Technote / process / An example of a React Native app that is ejected for E2E testing with Android using Jest and Appium

taboca/container-server-virtual-host-nodeapp: Technote / Docker / Using Docker compose with an Apache server and a virtual hosted node app in other container

taboca/notification-web-push-working-example: Technote / Video walkthrough / Example of a server that serves an HTML/JS that registers a Service Worker in the browser to receive future updates for a subscription / video walkthrough here

taboca/doc-js-seo-ready-react-app: Technote / production / Sample of a React app with SEO-ready initial rendering and hydratation )

taboca/doc-js-redux-observable-sample-learning: Tutorial — Let's learn Redux Observable

taboca/doc-js-redux-state-propagation: Demo — showing blinking components when part of the store changes (via propagated states)

taboca/react-redux-states-store-disambiguation: KB - disambiguation - States and the Front-end Logic with React

taboca/doc-js-arrow-functions-single-expression-return-values: Technote — Single expressions as return value in arrow functions

taboca/doc-js-high-order-function-introduction: Partial work / KB / Introduction to High Order Functions

taboca/doc-js-eslint-with-marcio-s-code: Technote / Process / Testing ESLint with my own code - you dont want to see this; I am punishing myself doing all the changes by hand.

taboca/doc-js-webpack-dev-with-proxy-for-express: Technote / ReactJS / A react-based application served from webpack with a proxy to local express server app for serving JSON

taboca/doc-js-react-router-reload-friendly-seo: Technote / SEO ReactJS / React-based app with a router and friendly for URL-sharing

taboca/doc-js-example-react-native-app-asyncstorage: Technote / React Native / Storage / An example of a React Native app with aSyncStorage

taboca/doc-js-react-component-context-children-communication: Technote / ReactJS communication / Example of a child React component accessing a shared context and also executing a method

taboca/doc-js-example-create-react-native-and-e2e-jest-appium: Create-react-native-app then eject then e2e with Jest and Appium

taboca/doc-js-react-component-context-children-communication: Technote / ReactJS communication / Example of a child React component accessing a shared context and also executing a method

taboca/doc-js-example-create-react-native-and-e2e-jest-appium: Create-react-native-app then eject then e2e with Jest and Appium

taboca/react-native-youtube-testapp-autoplay: Testing why autoplay starts out of the sudden

taboca/doc-js-example-qrcode-cam-example: An example of a basic "React-native init" app plus the project react-native-qrcode-scanner - Android only

taboca/doc-js-example-react-native-redux-fetch: Technote — Basic app in React Native Redux using fetch

taboca/doc-js-webpack-simple: Study notes — webpack, very basic

taboca/doc-js-ways-to-define-components: Mess about the ways to define components when how why?

taboca/doc-js-stateless-component: Dealing with the notion of stateless components

taboca/doc-js-react-component-map-filter: Example of an inner component, child of another, that filter its child elements checking their props against parent-informed prop

taboca/doc-js-functional-intro: Self study tutorial glimpse about functional programming with JavaScript

taboca/doc-js-example-react-native-redux-persist: Extended example, adding redux-persist to a simple React Redux app

taboca/doc-js-example-react-native-redux-join-fake-store: Simple React Native example that makes UI element based on two local (client/data) stores

taboca/doc-js-babel-intro: Self study tutorial on modernizing my JS skills - intro to Babel

taboca/spectron-manual-sample: Using spectron from node to control and test electron app and renderer directly

Marcio S Galli
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