Book / Urgency and Entrepreneurship / Introduction - from our accelerated world emerges a marginal entrepreurial activity


  • Reference meeting: a05-830 — minisites — marcio — meeting — Book on urgency and entrepreneurship introduction ccad8712-c3dd-45bd-b20d-66c683a96979 Tuesday, December 31⋅1:00 – 1:30pm
  • Parent project: Book on urgency and entrepreneurship
  • Participants: Marcio S Galli
  • Text language: en-us
  • Tags: Tags: Urgency, Entrepreneurship, Noise, Signal, Meditation, Focus, Goals
  • Document status: Copyright, draft.
  • Organization document:


After the industrial revolution the world became faster, more urgent, accelerated. The rise of the entrepreneurial activity, such as the increase in startup creation and increasing participation of the user in the innovation process (user innovation), are effects observed of this more accelerated world.

In this accelerated world, entrepreneurs may find themselves executing activities; however more biased by variables from the external environment — such as being influenced by methodologies and processes fundamented by prior successes of others.

In this context, she runs the risk of losing her own identity, she executes her steps in the shadow of others. This approach for entrepreneurship, that denies her creative potential, creates a situation that can lead to a high degree of frustration, along the road; specially due to the possibility that real innovation won't emerge out of following other people steps.

This book is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to recover their true entrepreneurial spirit – something that everyone have. For this opportunity to become real, we must focus in being more conscious about ourselves; beyond anything respect our individual and our dreams. In this more urgent, more accelerated world, where abundance of solutions are pressuring us, even the generalist becomes a specialist — exactly because they now have too many processes. This material is a chance for reflection about how we may be a follower of this urgent world. With that, we want to be more aware and more productive. Urgent Entrepreneurship is about looking at yourself, at the world, and developing more conscious for how you execute your steps. In this journey we will need to allow more time for the things that are important, not always what seems to be urgent.

From book objective

This is yet another book about entrepreneurship and behavior, bringing an opportunity for reflection for entrepreneurs, mainly to the ones that are open to learn but are concerned and frustrated that the world of entrepreneurship now offers too many interaction points and they can feel to be lost in the path. With an urgency for delivery, and in front of a vast amount of information and interaction opportunities, the entrepreneur can be lost amid platforms offering information, services — too many plug and play solutions for entrepreneurs such as frameworks, methodologies, and worse - the generalized sense of urgency. As entrepreneurship turned in a sort of interactive game, this book aims to offer an opportunity to reflect about the speed of things so that the entrepreneur can stop and consider herself in the middle of everything, her principles, her goals; and better develop a sense for her own path.


  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Accelerated
  • The urgent entrepreneur (watch out)
  • Lessons from the startup world to personal productivity (aligns with Reid Hoffman Startup of You)
  • A rainbow and golden empty pots at the end
  • Fail, fail, fail til you succeed
  • Well, this is not quite working
  • Wantrepreneur not, infinite apprentice yes (Aligns with Reid Hoffman)
  • Emotions and ideas — realtime and deferred entrepreneurship
  • Less is more
  • Your personal board of directors
  • Entrepreneurship in the urgent world
  • Reactionary execution syndrome
  • Don’t game the system (aligns with Paul Graham)
  • Success as a service
  • The abuses of the beginning - inability to improve does not mean you can’t talk about
  • Management for the future with an eye in the present / How to plan when the terrain is unknown
  • Feedback and friends
  • I don’t have time to do what I need to do — important vs urgent
  • I focus on X but Y is happening
  • “Doing lean vs Talking about lean”
  • Do things that don’t scale (aligns with Paul Graham)
  • Protagonism in the urgent world
  • You are responsible for your future investment / Consciousness in choosing your stakeholders
  • The invisible contract, the implicit rules of the things never said
  • Irreducible minimum and the complexity of mutual benefits
  • The invisible contract
  • “Team dynamics - team self-esteem and the drive for innovation”
  • “Managing the certainty gap” / “Certainty versus uncertainty for teams”
  • Blaming systems to favor your entrepreneurial pathway - strategic automation
  • Innovation
  • Barely legal - how far can I go?

Marcio S Galli
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