Presentations and Talks by Marcio S Galli: Insights into Innovation, Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology

Throughout my career, I had the opportunity to speak at various events and help audiences to get involved in themes related technology, management, innovation, and communication. These experiences allowed me to contribute with discussions within these fields, to collaborate, to learn. The following sections attempts to organize talks in different categories. I feel that it shows an ongoing interest in communications.


Management and entrepreneurship


  • Galli, M. S. (2014, November 27). HTML5: Opportunities and Innovation with Web Applications. Presented at Faculdade de Educação São Luis, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2014, October 20). Reinventing WebTV in Public and Semi-Public Environments. Presented at X JOLIM, UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2013). B2G for Hackers — Gecko, Gaia, and Gonk. Presented at Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2013, May 11). Overview of Tela Social and Use of Mozilla Technologies. Presented at Movimiento Mozilla, Unaerp, Guarujá, SP, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2012). Social Interactive Signage: How Web Standards Contribute to a Participatory Experience in Communities. Presented at X Latin American Free Software Conference, Foz do Iguaçú.

  • Galli, M. S. (2012). Social Interactive Signage: How Web Standards Contribute to a Participatory Experience in Communities. Presented at Computer Tutorials Cycle, ICMC-USP, São Carlos, SP.

  • Galli, M. S. (2011). Screens that Educate: Free Content and Web Technology in Community Environments. Presented at Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2010). Mozilla-powered Social Kiosk. Presented at Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2010). Mozilla JetPack. Presented at Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2009). TagVisor: Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre. Presented at Santiago, Chile.

  • Galli, M. S. (2008, November 26). From Copyright to the Right of Copy. Presented at Ciclo de Tutoriais de Informática, ICMC-USP Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas de São Carlos, USP, São Carlos, SP, Brasil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2008, April 17-19). Firefox in Brazil and Beyond. Presented at IX Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2008, April 17-19). Offline & New features in Firefox 3. Presented at IX Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, Mozilla Workshop, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

  • Galli, M. S. (2007). Read, Write, Recycle the Web in Cork Ireland. Presented at National Software Centre, Cork, Ireland.

  • Galli, M. S. (2004, July 28). Next Generation Applications in XUL: Microsoft Avalon XAML for the Rest of Us. Presented at Oscon Conference, Portland, OR, United States.

  • Ranganathan, A., & Galli, M. S. (2001 or 2002). Web Standards and Netscape Gecko: Where we are going we don't need roads. Presented at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, United States.

  • Galli, M. S. (February 2000). DOM Demonstrations. Presented at Netscape Communications Client Product Division, Mountain View, CA, United States. See Traversing the HTML table and DOM samples.

  • Galli, M. S. (4 May 1999). XML and Emerging Technologies on the WWW: XML, HTML, and CSS. Presented at III Semana de Informática da FAI, Adamantina, SP, Brazil.